Hey! My name's Adhiraj, and I'm tutoring History, French, Biology, Chemistry, Business Studies, English Language and English Literature. I've managed to score As and A*s in each of the aforementioned subjects, and I've got a certain degree of enthusiasm and interest in each of them. Since I want to pursue Medicine in college, I'm extremely interested in Biology. I keep myself updated by reading through important Medical Journals, and also actively contribute to our STEM Magazine at school with articles that talk about the latest developments in the fields of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Medicine. I attend many Model UN Conferences too, both, individually and whilst representing school, which tends to foster my interests in History. I read a lot about historical events, which ultimately help my understand their role in shaping today's international climate. I'm always keen on sharing any interesting developments/information, in the subjects I tutor, with people around me, which makes me an effective tutor.

Adhiraj Singh

Hi my name is Tushar , I'm sixteen and in IB1. IGCSE was a brilliant experience which I enjoyed thoroughly. The subjects that I am teaching are physics, chemistry, math, biology , economics,hindiand business studies. I feel I'm qualified to teach these not only because I have achieved a stars in the following but also because I genuinely enjoyed and worked hard while preparing for these exams and therefore posses a genuine understanding. I'm thankful to all my teachers for all their help and am looking forward to interesting and helpful peer tutoring sessions!

Tushar Singh

I'm Ajinkya Goyal, and I'll be tutoring the juniors in maths, physics, chemistry, english language, english literature, computer science, and french. Other than the fact that I got an A* in all of the aforementioned subjects, I have been able to amass a fair deal of external, useful knowledge in the extra research that I did (and still do).

Ajinkya Goyal

Hi I'm Aryan and I'm sixteen years old. I'm commonly referred to as Mally so you can call me that. My favorite subjects include Mathematics and Economics but I didn't do well in them because I got overconfident and didn't study them before boards, I am also fairly good with physics. I dislike chemistry but I am ok with teaching it because I am well versed with the IG concepts. I am ok with teaching any of the IG grades. My hobbies include reading and playing the drums.

Aryan Malhotra